Dependency Drug Courts


Dependency drug courts, like other problem-solving courts, 通过专门的摘要解决司法系统介入的根本原因, multidisciplinary teams, and a nonadversarial approach. Offering evidence-based treatment, judicial supervision, and accountability, 解决问题法庭为参与者提供个性化干预, 从而减少累犯,提高对司法系统程序的信心和满意度.

目前,佛罗里达州有13个吸毒法庭在运作. As in traditional dependency courts, dependency drug courts focus on promoting child safety, permanency, and well-being. They also align with principles found in adult drug court (i.e., early participant identification, substance use disorder treatment, services for co-occurring concerns, frequent drug and alcohol testing, the use of incentives and sanctions, 药物辅助治疗/阿片类药物使用障碍药物治疗). 药物依赖法庭解决了在传统依赖法庭中经常发现的及时性问题, 特别是允许参与者在接受早期药物使用治疗的同时与子女团聚.

According to the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, courts should establish the permanency of a child in foster care no later than 12 months after placement; however, 药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局不建议减少药物使用治疗,直到至少12个月过去. 这造成了一个困境,因为孩子的永久性结果是在父母可能准备减少或停止药物使用治疗之前实现的. However, because of the intensive services, increased family-time visitation, and more frequent court hearings, 研究表明,依赖药物法庭的参与者比传统依赖法庭的可比家庭有更好的结果. 

Why Dependency Drug Court Matters

研究表明,60%到80%被证实的儿童虐待和忽视案件中,至少有一位监护父母患有药物使用障碍. Moreover, 2018年的一项研究得出结论,在佛罗里达州的一个幼儿法庭上,五年内有69%的儿童因父母使用药物而被寄养. 

根据全国毒品法庭专业人员协会(NADCP), 与传统的依赖法庭相比,依赖药物法庭有以下积极成果:

  • 家长完成药物滥用治疗项目的比例更高
  • Lower number of days for children in out-of-home care
  • Higher rates of family reunification
  • Lower rates of termination of parental rights
  • 较低的再虐待率(团聚后重新进入寄养中心)
  • 较低的父母再犯率(如适用)
  • 成本效益(每户可节省$ 5,000至$13,000)


Please see the Florida dependency drug court summary for 2022PDF Download that includes data for all thirteen courts. 这份初始报告包含了为2022年收集的信息,并将继续每年收集一次. 如有任何问题或意见,请联系卡丽玛·安德森




Trainings and Webinars


物质使用障碍在受儿童福利制度影响的家庭中很普遍. 这是一个学习解决问题的法庭方法与儿童福利系统中受物质使用障碍影响的家庭一起工作的机会. OSCA工作人员和一个多学科专题小组将概述执行情况, effectiveness, 以及全州范围内对吸毒法庭的支持.

Panelists include:

Chief Judge Shawn Crane, Sixth Judicial Circuit
Barbara " Basia " Andraka-Christou,物质使用障碍专家
Meghan Chambers, Peer Support Specialist
David Chafin, Parent Attorney
Marth Firkins, Dependency Drug Court Coordinator

出席或将观看录音的律师和地方法官, the CLE reference number is 2310876N. 参加或将观看录音的法官,CJE参考号码是23-142. 如果有其他人需要出席证明,请发邮件

Previous Webinars:

Encouragement, Engagement, 和问责制-有效的治疗行为回应你的药物依赖法庭


Family Drug Court Tutorials

Family Dependency Drug Court: Best Practices Overview

Where Are We Going? 佛罗里达州家庭依赖毒品法庭数据概述

Publications and Resources

有关药物依赖法庭的更多信息可在 Children and Family Futures site.

国家家庭治疗法院最佳实践标准 can be found on Children and Family Futures’ website.

OSCA Dependency Drug Court Fact SheetPDF Download -本双面便览可下载、列印及分发. 总结了家庭依赖药物法院与传统依赖药物法院的区别,并描述了依赖药物法院的好处.

有关阿片类药物危机和司法反应的信息,请访问 The Opioid Crisis page.

Trauma effects many people in different ways, 尤其是那些参与儿童福利制度的人. For information regarding trauma, curricula that can be used in training others, and a self-care trauma toolkit for professionals, please visit the Family Court Tool Kit: Trauma and Child Development, which was created by the Office of Family Courts.

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare

东南农村阿片类药物技术援助区域中心 他在佛罗里达州立大学社区研究和促进中心工作, families, and children.

Contact Karima Anderson for additional information on dependency drug court.

Last Modified: February 12, 2024